
Unveiling the Power of Citizen Journalism: A Catalyst for Change

  The  advancement of gadgets that can capture Data in an instant and transmit the same through various social media networking or Blogging platforms has led to a unique genre of journalism that is called Citizen Journalism. Citizen Journalism has led to peoples of an given country capturing an incident and disseminating it on their Blogs, Vlogs, YouTube, Instagram Posts, Facebook Posts or WhatsApp Posts.   In an era dominated by information, citizen journalism emerges as a formidable force, challenging traditional media structures and reshaping the landscape of news dissemination. This grassroots approach to reporting empowers ordinary individuals to become the eyes and ears of the community, fostering a more inclusive and diverse media ecosystem.                        CONCEPT   _Sonny Albarado writes in the Encyclopaedia       Britannica  (  that "Citizen   journalism is a type of journalism that is   conducted by people who are not   professional journalist