Unveiling the Power of Citizen Journalism: A Catalyst for Change

  In an era dominated by information, citizen journalism emerges as a formidable force, challenging traditional media structures and reshaping the landscape of news dissemination. This grassroots approach to reporting empowers ordinary individuals to become the eyes and ears of the community, fostering a more inclusive and diverse media ecosystem.


  _Sonny Albarado writes in the Encyclopaedia       Britannica (www.britannica.com) that "Citizen   journalism is a type of journalism that is   conducted by people who are not   professional journalists but who   disseminate  information using Web sites,   blogs, and social media. Citizen journalism   has expanded its worldwide influence   despite continuing concerns over whether   citizen journalists are as reliable as trained   professionals”.

  _Nah (2008) defines Citizen Journalists b y   saying that these are "Individuals who are not   considered to be professional journalists, but who   produce, disseminate, and exchange a wide   variety  of news and information, ranging from   current topics to common interests to   individual issues"

  _Mortensen, Keshelashvili, & Weir (2016) define   Citizen journalist as a "participant who has   produced either a photo, a video, or a writing   piece.  that has been submitted for inclusion by   mainstream or citizen journalism outlets, or has   been intentionally or unintentionally published by   a  mainstream or citizen journalism outlet"

Citizen journalism is also known as "participatory journalism", "civic journalism," "democratic journalism", "public journalism,"  "stand-alone journalism," "networked journalism," "open source journalism," "crowd-sourced journalism," "grassroots journalism," "community journalism," and so on. These forms of journalism are related to "citizen journalism".

Citizen Journalism has managed to find a niche in journalism for the reason that Mainstream News channels or Journalists are unable to reach at certain spots at a certain time. Many incidents such as Natural disasters, major Hazards, accidents have been captured on mobiles and footage uploaded on Social Networking forums which led to creating of footage data.

EXAMPLE:The London Bombings, the Tsunami in India and other such incidents were primarily conquered on their smartphone cameras by citizens and this was then taken by News Channel who played these footages.

The origin of Citizen journalism is traced to an individual named Oh Yeonho and his three South Korean colleagues who found it beyond their means to hire Traditional journalists due to their massive charges for the printing of a paper in the year 2000. In order to tackle this resource crunch they started a website called ‘Ohmynews’ that used volunteers to generate content. The firm established itself with a low budget and had an overwhelming reponse. At one point, ‘Ohmynews’ had 727 Citizen reporters, and has  grown to an overwhelming 50, 000 contributors from over 100 countries. Thus, Citizen journalism received a boost.

Citizens today have realised that Video or pictorial footage matters and this is one of the reasons why such captures have become quite prominent of News Platforms who too have realised the value of these shots and footages. During the Corona Virus scare, Nature has started reclaiming its space. And much of the footage on this topic are shots captured on their smartphones by people and circulated.

Despite this, often a news that goes viral is brought to the main forum due to Citizen Journalism. CNN IBN too has a dedicated channel too Citizen Journalism issues called the Citizen Journalist Show. It also teamed up with Eyeway, (a forum dedicated to help Blind people),  that committed to help specially-abled people with a series of Radio Programmes that were also shot as Vlogs for YouTube to highlight the plight specially abled people have to undergo through several Citizen Journalism series.

Newspapers too carry columns for Citizen Journalism stories. In India this trend has been given a boost by certain newspapers, who carry special columns of Citizen journalism when they want to cater to a cause. The Times of India despite being popular for its advertorials has a regular space dedicated to Citizen Journalism in many parts of India. Thus, Citizen Journalism gave a forum for citizens of the country to voice their inconveniences of Bad roads, Garbage ridden vicinities, Pot holes which can cause accidents etc,. Tribals are rarely represented in main stream media. Citizen journalism has given the tribals a platform to speak and the demand their rights. Such reports led to actions being taken by Responsible Government machinery.

While there are many benefits of the same, Citizen Journalism has been also accused of Unprofessionalism, fake content or made-up content. Often in India fake news has led to many lynchings too. This can be a cause of alarm. Therefore, a Professional media house, who picks up a Citizen story should make sure that the story is verified, analysed, cross-checked and then disseminated. While, Technology is a boon, it has also turned out to be a bane as there are many people who in order to make a quick buck spread false information.

Citizen Journalism is often considered to be logger heads with Main stream Journalism. However, on a personal note, a professional journalist cannot be everywhere at all times. In such cases, teaming up is the best solution to provide news for all citizens, based on facts not fiction and with proper audio visual footage that is verified. Citizen Journalism and Main Stream Journalism should work hand in Hand, while one provides data the other could verify the truth and present it in the best possible manner to educate the citizens of the country and highlight issues that often get negated.

1-Democratisation of Information:

Citizen journalism, often fueled by the ubiquity of smartphones and social media platforms, has given rise to a new era where anyone with a story to tell can become a journalist. This democratization of information challenges the traditional gatekeepers of news, enabling diverse perspectives and marginalized voices to find a platform.

2-Real-Time Reporting: From the Ground Up:

One of the key strengths of citizen journalism lies in its ability to provide real-time, on-the-ground reporting. Whether it's a local event, a protest, or a disaster, citizen journalists can swiftly capture and share information, often before mainstream media can mobilize their resources. This immediacy fosters a deeper connection between the audience and unfolding events.

3-Filling the Gaps in Mainstream Media: Unearthed Stories:

Citizen journalists play a crucial role in uncovering stories that might be overlooked by mainstream media. Issues affecting local communities, grassroots movements, and social injustices often find their way into the public consciousness through the lens of citizen reporters. This ensures a more comprehensive understanding of the world, addressing the gaps left by traditional news outlets.

4-Advocacy and Social Change: The Power of Witnessing:

Beyond reporting, citizen journalism serves as a powerful tool for advocacy and social change. By bearing witness to events and issues, citizen journalists contribute to the documentation of history, holding those in power accountable. Their work has catalyzed movements, sparked conversations, and fueled collective action, illustrating the transformative potential of grassroots storytelling.


5-Challenges and Ethical Considerations: Navigating the Terrain:

While citizen journalism brings a plethora of benefits, it is not without challenges. Navigating the ethical terrain of reporting, verifying information, and avoiding sensationalism are ongoing concerns. Balancing the need for speed with accuracy requires a delicate dance, and citizen journalists often find themselves grappling with the responsibilities that come with their newfound roles.

6- The Future Landscape: Collaborative Journalism:

As citizen journalism continues to evolve, a collaborative model that bridges the gap between grassroots reporting and traditional newsrooms emerges. This synergy can amplify the strengths of both, creating a more holistic and nuanced understanding of the world. Media organizations embracing citizen contributions may find themselves at the forefront of innovation in news delivery.





A Tapestry of Voices:

In conclusion, citizen journalism has transcended its status as a mere trend, becoming an integral part of the media landscape. By providing a platform for diverse voices, offering real-time perspectives, and catalyzing social change, citizen journalism has proven its worth. As we navigate an information-rich era, the role of citizen journalism stands as a testament to the power of individuals to shape the narrative and contribute to a more inclusive and democratic media ecosystem.


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